Beautifully designed graphics and user friendly interface to search customers and products with product pictures and detailed information
- Linked to the opportunity\quote\order level details and display the existing quotes\orders in a tab.
- Update opportunity\quotes\orders status (activate, won,…)
- Convert opportunities to quotes or to orders, and quotes to orders
- Create Account\Contact record
- Create Lead record
- Create Product record
- Create quotes\orders from opportunities
- Copy existing quotes/orders to create a new quote/order.
- View the graphic details of quotes\orders linked to quotes\orders
- Allows to integrate with MS Sharepoint server
- Allows to integrate with other customized systems (Commerce websites, ERPs)
- View product images
- Apply line item level discount, date range, percentage, fixed amount
- Order level fixed and variable discount, percentage, fixed amount
- Display real time sales margins by adjusting quote/order pricing.
- Multiple quote notes or disclaimers by creating note templates.
- Order line level product notes and shipping information.
- Screen capture and save it as an image file.
- Print a quote/order.
- Multiple quote notes or disclaimers by creating note templates.
- Configure required products and optional products.
- Apply price by fixed amount or percentage of parent product.
- Consolidate same products.
- Apply discount by fixed amount or percentage of product.
- Apply discount by remaining days or date range
- Apply freight calculation based zones and states
- Configure your own freight calculation based products, zones and states
- Leasing option calculation